Recognizing Susan, Val, Nancy, and Michael


Throughout our 25th anniversary year, we’re featuring 25 advocates who’ve been nominated by the childhood cancer community for their outstanding contributions toward our mission of improving the lives of children with cancer and survivors. 

We hope you'll take a moment to read on and learn about the first four advocates we've recognized. Each of these individuals has made a powerful impact, and we're so grateful to have their voices in our corner.

Would you like to nominate someone for recognition? Let us know using the form at the bottom of this post!

Our first featured advocate is our founder, Susan L. Weiner, PhD.

Susan founded Children’s Cancer Cause in 1999 (originally The Children’s Cause, Inc.) to highlight the need for new therapies and quality care for children with cancer and survivors, and to empower families and survivors to become leaders in pediatric cancer advocacy.

Dr. Weiner, whose son Adam was a 13-year cancer survivor, has been key to bringing childhood cancer research and survivorship care to the forefront of the national cancer policy agenda.

Learn more about Susan →

Every time we issue an action alert on a piece of legislation that we’re working on, Val Broadley jumps in to write her Members of Congress. In fact, she’s sent more letters to Members of Congress through our action center than any other advocate over the past five years!

Val is motivated to action by the loss of her only child, Michele. In every letter she sends to Congress, she personalizes the ‘ask’ by telling Michele’s story about her life and her three and a half year battle with alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS).

Learn more about Val and Michele →

Nancy Stewart has been a dedicated volunteer and advocate since shortly after our founding in 1999. When her granddaughter Sylvie passed away from a highly malignant brain tumor, she and her late husband John got involved with Children's Cancer Cause to help other families. So much of our survivorship work today has been made possible because of John and Nancy's tireless advocacy and philanthropy over the years.

“John and I resolved that the best way to honor the memory of our beloved Sylvie was to help other kids and their families engaged in the same battle,” Nancy once told us. “Our purpose in sponsoring the Stewart Family Survivorship Initiative is to develop more effective ways to disseminate life-saving information.”

Learn more about Nancy →

Michael Albrecht is a four-time Ewing’s Sarcoma fighter - and an outstanding advocate in so many ways. Although he is just 23 years old, Michael already has experience as a candidate for local public office. Motivated by his survivorship, he ran on a platform of Children Come First.

Michael was first diagnosed at age 14 and has since fought three recurrences. He continues to receive chemo today, while remaining active in local politics and cancer advocacy organizations like ours.

Michael was named a Children’s Cancer Cause College Scholar in 2020, and he currently serves on our Stewart Initiative Survivorship Advisory Council and our scholarship Selection Committee. 

Learn more about Michael →

Let us know who you'd like to see featured next!

Is there someone you’d like to see recognized for their advocacy as a champion for children with cancer, families, and survivors?
Nominate an outstanding advocate here: