About the Children’s Cancer Cause Blog  

Our website receives approximately 10,000 website visitors per month, and our blog is one of the top visited pages on our site. We aim to post approximately 3-5 times per month, and each new blog post is sent out immediately to a blog subscriber email list of around 1,600 people, most of whom have a direct connection to childhood cancer, and are included in our monthly bulletins to a wider list of approximately 28,000 inboxes. Blog posts are also shared through our social media channels to our network of over 25,000 social media followers. Our Facebook page reaches approximately one million people throughout the calendar year.  

When we write a blog post, we write with a primary audience in mind of a childhood cancer family or survivor, although many readers are also medical providers, other childhood cancer nonprofits, donors, policymakers, and the general public with an interest in learning more about childhood cancer. Some readers may have a great deal of knowledge about childhood cancer, while others may know very little. 


Children’s Cancer Cause Guest Blog Guidelines  

Length: There’s a lot of flexibility here. Some of our guest posts are shorter, 400-500 words like this one, while others are lengthier - like this one. Lengthier posts – a sweet spot of 1600-2400 words – are preferred by search engines, but short posts have their benefits, too. 

Links: Links are welcome and encouraged, as long as they serve to benefit the reader, such as research article citations or resources. 

Editing: Children’s Cancer Cause reserves the right to edit your post for length, clarity, audience, and appropriate messaging. If we make any substantial content edits, we will share with you for approval before making the post public.  

Headshot and Bio: Guest bloggers should submit a headshot and very brief bio (1-2 sentences). This will be used as the lead-off intro. See guest blogger Rachel’s example here. If you have a Twitter handle or website link, we can include that in your bio.  

Photo(s): Guest bloggers are asked to submit at least one photo to include with their post. It should be a horizontal photo with little or no text in order to be social media-friendly. If you don’t have a photo that relates to your post, we’ll pull a stock photo. More photos are welcome and encouraged but may not all be used.