Throughout our 25th anniversary year, we’re featuring champions who’ve been nominated by the childhood cancer community for their outstanding contributions toward our mission of improving the lives of children with cancer and survivors.

We’re recognizing Valeria Broadley - Val - as an outstanding advocate because of her tireless commitment to ensuring that her Members of Congress know about key issues impacting children with cancer.

Every time we issue an action alert on a piece of legislation that we’re working on, Val jumps in to write her Members of Congress through our action center. In fact, she’s sent more letters to Members of Congress through our action center than any other advocate over the past 5 years!

Val is motivated to action by the loss of her only child, Michele. In every letter she sends to Congress, she personalizes the ‘ask’ by telling Michele’s story.

“Michele Ekaterini Ciufecu Broadley is a forever 24 year old cancer warrior that was taken from us way too soon,” she writes. “Michele loved to live life. She loved all animals, especially her cat Dusty and she loved traveling, especially to tropical beaches.”

Michele battled with alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS) for three and a half years. While in treatment, she continued college and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Psychology and a minor in Women’s Studies. She even began a Master’s Degree program.

She was in remission for a short few months before relapsing. The cancer - initially in her left inner forearm - had spread to both lungs.

Michele Ekaterini passed away on September 28, 2016. She once wrote on a Facebook post, “I’m thankful for my struggle because without it, I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength.”

Val is one of thousands of advocates who have joined with us over the years in writing to Congress through our Legislative Action Center. Our legislative victories on Capitol Hill would not be possible without the voice and support of so many people coming together from all around the country. At Children’s Cancer Cause, we give Congressional offices statistics and guidance from scientific and medical experts that back up our policy proposals. But it’s constituents like Val telling their very personal stories that help us gain real traction and support from Congressional offices.

Thank you to every grassroots advocate who helps make our collective voice on Capitol Hill louder, stronger, and clearer.